She wasnt moving. The people who knew too much | New Zealand Issues Forum A master plan bythe Vatican and the Crown of England, acting through the government and churches of Canada,to exterminate domestic indigenous nations has been in operation since November 25,1910. We must know - in remembrance of William Coombes. He died | Facebook This genocide has accounted for the massive de-population of more than 95% of the original native nations, predominantly on Canadas west coast: a killing-off of between one and two million people since 1850. BUT Are we actually against War? . You can begin to do so this Christmas Eve, and on Sunday December 25, by occupying or protesting at these churches, but especially at United Churches, whose members and clergy are culpable for the death of Maisie Shaw and so many like her. And order Kevins other recent books as follows: Canadas Most Censored Story and the man who brought it to light, Incontrovertible proof that Canada and its churches deliberately exterminated tens of thousands of children under the guise of education. Thechiefsof these councils have played a key role in eradicating any lingering indigenous identity or authority and control over traditional lands and resources. This is a moving story of Group Crime and resistance, of who owns British Columbia and how natives and whites alike are expected to dance to the tune of multinational corporations. Where does this Annett fellow get off calling our honorable Prime Ministers drunkards and robber barons? OrderFallen todaythrough this email: , or These chiefs are doing these crimes at the behest and in the payment of the Canadian government and resource-extractive multinational corporations from America, Japan and China. He passed his early years at Meadgate, Somerset, England, the property and for many years the residence of his uncle, Rev. It is that backyard war of which we will speak today, and the victims of the war at home who we will hold up now and remember. She wasnt breathing. These began in the 1930s but intensified in the late 1940s and continue to the present day. Consequently, the period since 1990 has witnessed a rapid escalation of violence against Indians and a return to the brutal methods of the early colonial period. (3) It also served as the launching pad for a general campaign of extermination of the non-assimilatedaboriginal tribes; a campaign that continues to the present time. Not "Abuse" But Mass Murder! A Memorandum on Genocidal Crimes at the Before the mandatory brain-deadness of the Christmas season descends on everyone, here are some important reminders to keep tucked away: Posted in9th circle,Action: What to Do,Canada,Catholic Church,Charges Laid,Child Trafficking,Chuch of England,Church of Rome,common law,common law court of justice,covenanters,Crown of England,Genocide,Genocide in Canada,Historical Background,ITCCS,Johnny Bingo Dawson,Kevin Annett,Legal Background,Mass Graves in Canada,Ninth Circle,Papal Deception,police state,Pope Benedict,Pope Francis the First,Press TV,Prime Minister Harper,Public International Court of Justice,Public Summonses,queen Elizabeth,radio free kanata,Republic of Kanata,Rev. Until then, listen to any and all of our archived programs In fact, our work has revealed that the present leadership of the Anglican, Roman Catholic and United Church of Canada is either directly implicated in residential school-era crimes or is actively protecting those who are; and that these same predators are still engaged in the systemic rape, trafficking and killing of children. This massive Group Crime and Group Denial is common to a genocidal regime like Canada, as is the attending coverup, rationalization and normalization of the crime. If we were, we would be refusing to pay our taxes and with our bodies we would be blockading the armyrecruitmentoffices and impeding the arms and uranium shipped overseas to exterminate other people, and we would be telling every soldier in the world to disobey their orders to kill. In conjunction with these grisly experiments and cult ritual killings, an extensive child trafficking network operated out of the Kamloops center, as in many other Indian residential schools. It may be reproduced, except for sale or advertising purposes, provided cred it is given to the National Archives of Canada, and to the These sanctions include denying taxes and any funds to these governments and to the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada; performing citizens arrests against known or suspected child-raping clergy and their accomplices; and peacefully seizing the property and wealth of these churches as convicted transnational criminal organizations. 7. It is based on evidence contained in part In this conversation. The general purpose and consequence of the Chretien state terror directive has been to protect these men and camouflage their links to the residential school era and present day corporate power brokers. We are issuing this Memorandum and statement to the governments and people of the world. We Rememberthe Murdered Children, and those responsible: December is the month when we especially commemorate two victims of Genocide in Canada: our brother Johnny Bingo Dawson, a leader of the Vancouver-based movement to expose residential school crimes who died from a targeted killing and savage police beating on December 9, 2009; and 14 year old Maisie Shaw, kicked to her death by United Church clergyman Alfred Caldwell on Christmas Eve, 1946 at the Alberni Indian residential school. It did so by means of a secret government Cabinet Directive dated April 3, 1998. The Chretien terror plan authorized the use ofblack opsmethods of illegal monitoring, smears, disruptions and violence against Annett and these targeted groups, including the elimination of individuals who held knowledge or evidence of genocidal acts by Canadian church and state employees. Witness to Williams murder - discussed here -. The TRC was modeled on a standard black-ops misdirection campaign to create a false narrative on a crime by burying evidence, silencing witnesses, discrediting truth tellers and exonerating the guilty. Obtainable atamazon.comand In WWII, Mr . This Cabinet Directive was never revoked, and has caused the death of at least seven native activists who have been assassinated by RCMP operatives since 1998, including members of the ITCCS network. This report is written with the blood of countless aboriginal children, and of those who have died to bring the truth of their fate to light. Eyewitness of killings and of the abduction of ten aboriginal children by. Canada, Native Chiefs, Vatican, CIA Cover up of Death Camps and Mass By 2007, once these connections had been firmly proven by our campaign and by the growing testimonies of many aboriginal eyewitnesses, the Conservative government of Stephen Harper relied on the still-operative Chretien Plan to put a final end to these exposures by placing a definitivespin and containmentover the whole issue of past and present Genocide in Canada. This work should be in every college curriculum.Murder by Decreereviewer Dr. Archibald Sayers, This is the ultimate David and Goliath story of official crime and heroic integrity. William Combes, died of lethal injection, St. Pauls Catholic hospital, Vancouver, February 26, 2011; Genocide survivor. Issued September 5, 2017 by the ITCCS Central Directorate with the endorsement of elders of the Anishinabe, Mohawk, Cree, Metis, Cowichan and Squamish indigenous nations across Canada, and also by the ITCCS affiliates in Canada, USA, Ireland, England and Serbia, For the general catalogue of evidence and testimonies regarding past and present Genocide in Canada Specifically, our ITCCS Directorate and the ITCCS affiliates in seven countries ask that these governments undertake the following actions: We also call upon the citizens of the world and of Canada to commence their own direct community sanctions against these governments and their churches in accordance with the Nuremberg Principle that compels citizens to neither fund nor cooperate with proven murderous regimes or organizations. (6) The Directive consisted of an official plan of state terror that was aimed at aboriginal activists, residential school survivors and the public campaign led by the future ITCCS North American Field Secretary Kevin Annett, who organized the IHRAAM Tribunal. This evidence is also available in hardcover asMurder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada: A Counter Report to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, obtainable through From its inception as an Oblate Catholic mission in 1890, the Kamloops residential school was an especially notorious Special Treatment center designed to inflict particularly cruel and severe punishment, experimentation and torture on native children who resisted or ran away more than once. I believe william coombes. We are therefore bringing this truth beyond Canadas borders for the sake of the army of innocents who have died and who will continue to die if justice is not done. William Coombes was resident at Kamloops Indian residential school in Kamloops, British Columbia, in 1964, when his school was visited by the Queen and Prince Philip. Where Did The Claim That "97% of Scientists" Believe Climate Change Is A Man-Made, Urgent Problem Come From? William Coombs - Address & Phone Number | Whitepages Kevin Daniel AnnettAvailable now Especially intelligent or defiant children were targeted for sterilization. I see that all the time. Eyewitness Harriett Nahanee on the killing of 14 year old Maisie Shaw by Alfred Caldwell, Christmas Eve 1946, (Died suddenly after her arrest and incarceration, February 2007), False record of Maisie Shaws death (circled): Died in hospital Dec. 26 (2 days after her death on a staircase). See We must also acknowledge the seven aboriginal members of the ITCCS who have died at the hands of the police and others in the course of publicly surfacing this enormous crime and confronting the churches responsible: Chief Louis Daniels, Edna Philips, Harriett Nahanee, Harry Wilson, Johnny Bingo Dawson, William Combes and Ricky Lavallee. It is now the responsibility of every lawful man and woman to stop these murderous churches from harming any more children. Itwas issued by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS), a human rights coalition that has spearheaded the campaign for judicial action against the Vatican, the British Crown and their churches for genocide and child trafficking. These tests included denying children food and vitamins and monitoring their physical degeneration; inserting experimental birth control devices into girls as young as seven; involuntary drug testing in conjunction with Pfizer, Eli Lilly, Bayer and other pharmaceutical companies; pain threshold studies in which children were burned, eviscerated, electrocuted, starved to death, immersed in ice water for prolonged periods, and subjected to chemical and biological warfare agents; mind control programs using electric shocks, prolonged sensory deprivation and hypnotic barbiturates; experimental sterilization methods including tubal ligations, surgical castration, prolonged genital exposure to X-rays and indiscriminate drug testing; and dozens of other tortures all of which are Crimes against Humanity under the law. It concerns the covered-up, unindicted and therefore unpunished official Canadian genocide and crimes against humanity against the aboriginal people of Canada. Living Close To Trees Comes With A Number Of Health Benefits, Is climate change happening? By what means do they and their compliant government and corporate allies conceal their crimes and exonerate themselves? Is It True? By 1995, when the incipient ITCCS campaign to expose residential school crimes began making headlines in the Canadian media, stories of these disappearances of native families were also proliferating. William was a witness to the abduction of ten children by "Queen Elizabeth" Windsor on October 10, 1964 at the catholic Kamloops Indian residential school. But for many years it also concealed the killing or disappearance of aboriginal families across B.C. It depicts the last-stand resistance by one west coast indigenous nation to a three-headed assault by the British Crown, its churches, and land-hungry companies. Queen Elizabeth 1964 Kamloops Annett has been circulating the story of the Kamloops Kidnapping for many years \u0026 has earned immense villification. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Their odious ranks include three Supreme Court judges, a battery of lawyers, church officials and corporate officers, a former Prime Minister, a Catholic Archbishop and senior members of the RCMP and the Canadian military. Morpork Founding Member. (16)Since its enactment in 1929,Crimen Sollicitationashas encouraged and caused the systematic murder of children in Canada, America, Ireland, Croatia, across Europe and around the world to continue unchecked. In fact, the disruption of the IHRAAM Tribunal was the first and primary goal of this state terror campaign, according to statements made by RCMPEDivision Inspector Peter Montague who led the disruption campaign. Built on fear, and following a dismantling of curiosity, propaganda created a false perception that will take years for us to undo. Accordingly, like a similar Catholic facility at Mission, B.C., and at the Anglican school in Alert Bay and the United Church school in Port Alberni, the average death rate at Kamloops was among the highest of these schools, remaining well above 50% for much of its duration. William died suddenly in hospital shortly before he was to go public about the abduction and permanent disappearance of the ten children. Chiefs and Councils were notified by Indian agents and the federal government as early as 1922 that their own children could avoid confinement in the Kamloops school if they rounded up the other tribal children and brought them to the school and tracked down runaways. We pay for war with our taxes, we benefit from war materially, and we even draw our pension and retirement funds from the profits of the arms industry as does every major church and religion on the planet, starting with the Vatican Incorporated. and in Vancouvers downtown east side. Kamloops Indian Residential School Survivor On The Queen's Alleged Connection To Missing Children William Coombes was resident at Kamloops Indian residential school in Kamloops, British Columbia, in 1964, when the school was visited by the Queen and Prince Philip. Canadians and indigenous people are obligated by law and morality to enforce the verdict of that court and of history upon the Canadian state, its churches, and their agents. (See Addendum on the testimony of Kamloops survivor William Combes witnessing of the abduction of ten Kamloops children by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip on October 10, 1964, and of Combes subsequent death by arsenic poisoning at the Catholic St. Pauls hospital in February 2013, according to eyewitness and attending nurse Chloe Kirker).