' + // SCROLL TO TOP BUTTON Oliver McCracken Facebook Page (opens in a new window) (opens in new window) @Skokie735 on Twitter (opens in a new window) (opens in new window) 2023 Skokie School District 73 return (h.charAt(0)=="#") ? var newPos = slidePos * viewWidth; var socialIcons = [ "HeaderIsSticky": false, // FOCUS DROPDOWN BUTTON "JsMediaQueries": function() { var slideMax = ($(this).closest('div[id*="pmi-"]').is(":last-child")) ? $("#gb-sticky-logo").append('
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Jersey Shore fights hard, but Central Columbia defeats it for district $(".cs-mystart-dropdown.schools .cs-dropdown-list").html($(".sw-mystart-dropdown.schoollist .sw-dropdown-list").html()).removeClass("hidden"); $(dropdownParent).mouseleave(function() { this.headlineSlideMax = slideMax;
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TO Inspire AND Equip
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Athletics - Wildwood School }
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