How Tall Is Kokichi Ouma | StatMuse Lance Bouma was 6 feet 2 inches tall. In the Japanese version, Kokichi's voice is usually slightly childish fitting his appearance, but it occasionally turns much deeper and mature, usually when he is either angry, foreboding or flirty. After hearing everything that happened, Gonta still chose to forgive Kokichi and told the others not to blame him, which seemed to genuinely touch Kokichi a lot. The next night, Miu gathered everyone in the computer room on the fourth floor of the academy, lying to them all about a way to escape the killing game. Kokichi said a supreme leader doesn't have to listen to her, but then playfully called her 'Miss Mage' and told her to catch him if she can. They begin to start fighting, but it's interrupted by Maki breaking into the hangar to torture and kill Kokichi herself. However, after some of the other students started to accuse Himiko as the potential culprit and she turned apathetic and suicidal, Kokichi later appeared to try to make her feel better by happily congratulating her for her proven innocence and complimented her decision to use the middle room as an extremely important clue. Gallery. He himself has claimed that he lies in order to entertain others and that his lies are told half out of kindness, and even the Skill received after his Free Time Events is called "Kind Lie". Later on in the trial, he would be quick to jump onto Shuichi as the culprit after he claimed that he had forgotten to mention the camera intervals to Kaede. As everyone logged back out of the virtual world, Kokichi stopped Shuichi for a second to tell him how interesting he is and that he should work for him, though this only irritated the Ultimate Detective and so he logged out. The more you suffer, the more I enjoy it. How Tall Is Kokichi Ouma | StatMuse ", "Yeah! They have traveled around the world and commit "laughable crimes" for fun, which could indicate that they could be a group of orphans with no families nor parents to hold them back. He thought that Monokuma was the coolest one of all the Monokumas and even considered his children, the Monokubs, annoying ripoffs of Monokuma. Kokichi tells Gonta that he won't be tricked by someone like him anymore. "What good would it be if I lied? Shuichi split from Maki in order to investigate the seance, following Kokichi. Instead, he called Himiko out on only caring about Tenko after she had died and never once caring about her prior. A must-have collection for anime fans. The participants were presented with the third motive, the Necronomicon, and were told that they would be able to bring back someone who had died already as a transfer student. Throughout his free time events, Kokichi tries to "kill" Shuichi and involves him in many of his selfishness and pranks, though he also seems to make sure Shuichi won't be harmed and seems to just mess with him with words. It contains various sprites, ripped from the game (s) in which the character appears. His entire body, nothing but raw and unfettered malice." While the characters "" may also be used to translate as "President", and still do in Japanese for President of Taiwan () and in the Chinese language, nowadays the kanji in Japanese is associated with "dictators". Sprites. ", "It does matter! His shirt is ripped at the hem and the collar part of it is completely gone, and big parts of the uniform are fixed with metal clips. "Yeeeeah, I guess. In his Love Suite fantasy sequence, it's shown that he likes to imagine himself as a legendary phantom thief who has a romantic rivalry with a detective. Kokichi stopped the press machine and the video camera while only Kaito's hand and his sleeve was visible, then the two promptly swapped places. He has also more than once mentioned that he is "constantly thinking about" Shuichi, and claims that he is his favorite whom he loves the most. We just have to connect the "How" and "What." Kokichi's fantasy is himself as "a phantom thief" that was captured by a detective, and unlike other Love Suite Events, Shuichi is surprised when Kokichi knows it's him. During one event in the bonus mode. After Kokichi returned with everyone's motive videos, Gonta told him about the people he was unable to detain while everyone else was even more irritated that Kokichi took so long to return while they had been swarmed by insects. Rate the pronunciation difficulty of Kokichi Ouma. According to Tsumugi, Kokichi's talent as the Ultimate Supreme Leader is a fabrication made by Team Danganronpa. He took it from him and told him and the others to meet in the dining hall in order to inspect it. However, Kokichi occasionally appears genuinely scared of Kaito's violence and sometimes runs away and hides from him for quite a while. Kokichi listened to her words seriously and later appeared to feel genuinely bad for her when he told the others about the conversation. I had to lie to myself! Later on during the trial, when everyone was quick to suspect Himiko of being the culprit due to the fact that the seance trick was set up in the middle room, Kokichi's testimony turned out to be a valuable clue in finding her innocent. Instead of tending to his wound, he decides to pull a prank by faking his own death, lying face down in the middle of the fourth-floor hallway. Kaito asks Kokichi why he isn't at home with his parents (and aren't his parents embarrassed of him being such a brat at his age). The two's attitudes towards each other turn increasingly more aggressive when it becomes apparent that Gonta might be the culprit. With his notable acting skills, Kokichi is capable of hiding his true intentions and lie so well that the other students can never tell what he is truly thinking. Kokichi tells him that games can be won without playing them, foreshadowing the end of the killing game. Characteristics Furthermore, his organization could be a reference to the animated television series D.I.C.E. Gonta feels even sadder as a result and says he wishes it was a lie. He is also strangely straightforward about his supposed evil nature, openly claiming to be a leader of a large secret society, admitting to being a liar, and saying he has done nothing but bad things. He does lots of investigation alone without other people noticing, analyzes the other students, and writes their fates and his impression of them on his whiteboard. Kokichi said that that was meaningless and that he shouldn't do that, mainly because the killing game wouldn't end even if he did. You must have some small cojones if you're worried about a little dust. It's revealed that Kokichi let himself to be caught on purpose and actually wishes to get tied up and "interrogated" roughly, but Shuichi does not want to hurt him and is confused by the situation, which seems to disappoint Kokichi a bit. He claims that all the world's mafias he controls would fight, destroy each other and cause unnecessary trouble to everyone around them if he wasn't there to maintain them. When they enter the Neo World Program for the first time, Kokichi almost immediately slaps K1-B0, supposedly to test how it works inside the program. In the virtual world, Miu attempted to murder Kokichi and frame Kaito for it, placing a bottle of poison on his chair to make it look like he got poisoned. Kokichi made up a lie at how a curse could've killed Tenko, causing Kaito to panic in fear. One of the areas that would become unlocked would be the remaining second floor of the school, which led to the third floor. During his free time events, he even gives this advice to Shuichi, telling him that games can be won by not playing them. Romaji In her relationship chart, Kokichi grins while calling her "an extremely ugly girl". "pls leave us message about your gender. Kokichi then called everyone out for being whack jobs if they wanted something this "fun" to end. However, she was stopped by Kaito and everyone rushed to his side as Kokichi continued to monologue. After Gonta's execution, Kokichi begins to act exaggeratedly "evil" in an effort to correct for his genuine outburst. In Chapter 4, after Kokichi leaves the trial grounds alone with an evil grin on his face, for a very short moment his face is shown to turn very serious before turning back to "evil". It's easier to exact justice when there's evil. However, Kokichi lured Gonta into killing Miu by strangling her with a roll of toilet paper. But I definitely don't wanna die! He is also absolutely furious with Gonta when he fails to argue back and thus is ruining their plan, making Kokichi completely lose his composure in anger, though he also appears genuinely touched and shocked when Gonta is willing to forgive him after everything he has done. The government then decided to counter the situation by faking the students' deaths, calming down the Ultimate Hunt while providing protection to the students. As a result, two days after the motive videos were distributed, Gonta began to kidnap various students into his lab, completely unaware of the Ultimate Supreme Leader's true intentions. He enjoys hard difficulty, claiming that he always plays on Hard Mode and never uses the "Run" command, and he is stated to have nerves of steel in order to accomplish this. The height of Lance Bouma was 6 feet 2 inches. However, it is also noted that his lithe body makes him very agile and in Chapter 4 he manages to punch Kaito with incredible agility (as described by Maki), though it should be noted that Kaito was at the time greatly weakened and slowed down by his illness. Furthermore, he didn't show any villainous behavior, and instead, he offered to go check if the Exisals are still nearby when the other students showed worry about it. However, the Mastermind, after seeing that everyone was too apathetic now to continue the killing game, prepared a Flashback Light that gave everybody memories of Hope's Peak Academy, that they were the symbols of hope, and that Kokichi was a Remnant of Despair. Gonta cries out "I'm sorry" multiple times, but Kokichi reassured him that it was fine before instructing him on what to do next. During his last moments, he appears to genuinely cry bitterly as he confesses that he was just lying to others and himself in order to survive and be able to go on, and his evil and extreme behavior was heavily implied to be part of a plan to outwit the mastermind. The very next morning following the third class trial, Kokichi gathered with everyone in the dining hall yet again. danganronpa. As he is the character who personifies the game's central themes, Kazutaka Kodaka put more thought into him than any other character. As a result, Maki's hatred for him became so strong, to the point where she relished the thought of "beating him to a bloody pulp" and outright claiming that were it not for the killing game, she would've assassinated him already. According to him, their creepiness expresses Kokichi's true nature to some extent. English Since I'm the Ultimate Supreme Leader, duh. An unprecedented time afterward, the hatch closes and everyone woke up. This seems to genuinely affect Kokichi a lot, causing him to cry and listen to Gonta's last wish, and he even asks to be executed with Gonta. Seven of us dead doesn't mean much in the end. ", "People can lie about how malicious their hidden secrets really are. If you deny all of that *just* because it's a lie Then that means you guys are just terrible at being lied to! I'm used to risking my life!". And I'm one of those people. His lack of respect towards Gonta is seen in the way he doesn't use any honorifics when talking to him in the Japanese version. Kokichi claimed that he was faking his own tears and mocked Gonta post-mortem, calling him an idiot and saying that he died a meaningless death along with Miu. In Chapter 6, it's revealed that Kokichi was actually the only one who took Gonta's talk about "tiny bugs" very seriously, as he designed and requested a bugvac from Miu to specifically look into the matter. Just like everyone else, Kokichi was confused about their current predicament, asking the others if they wanted for him to check on what was happening outside but was warned by Korekiyo Shinguji that those monsters, the Exisals, could still be nearby. Kaito admits he hated Kokichi and that he pissed him off, but also admits that only a crazy guy like him could have a crazy plan needed to defeat Monokuma, and the two appeared to form a sort of mutual respect during their last moments. Monokuma appeared amused as he pointed out that Kokichi truly is an evil bastard. a world with murder and despair all around.isn't as fun as it could be. I *am* a leader of evil, after all. Afterward, seeing that Himiko was still trying to hold in her emotions from Angie and Tenko's demise, Kokichi called her out, belittling her for still holding back. In her relationship chart, he orders her to get on her knees. In a bonus scene in Chapter 2, Kokichi, Miu, Shuichi, Korekiyo and Ryoma Hoshi, the Ultimate Tennis Pro, gathered in the casino in hopes of playing a secret game with the medal that Shuichi had received from the Monomono Machine. I wanna win this, "If the thought of playing a death game doesn't excite you, you'll never win. He tells them both that he was actually bleeding and that he had stepped through one of the floorboards in the other rooms. Because of his behavior, he is viewed as an antagonistic figure among the group, but this doesn't seem to stop him from being able to manipulate the class trials anyway. When he heard his laugh, Shuichi was astonished Afterward, Kaito showed up as well, and everyone got roped into a gambling competition. His personally customized uniform has beauty from that of a university annex high school. Kaito however, was angered by this, saying that he wasn't the culprit, but that Maki wasn't the culprit either, much to both Maki's and Kokichi's bewilderment. November 10, 2022 by admin. Even when both had been shot with the poison arrow Maki equipped, Kaito swore he wouldn't allow himself to die, and stop him, and Kokichi is impressed by his determination. So, "Common sense, huh? Due to this, Kokichi revolted, saying that Kaede's repeated motivational speech is the source of the group's agony, added by some of her friends giving up on escaping the tunnel, Kokichi himself included, and the group's harmony came to a swift end. During the investigation, Kokichi tells the others about the situation and how strange it was, with him appearing visibly disappointed. Later, when Kaede rushed to stop the fighting in the cafeteria, she could stop to talk to Kokichi and ask him why he wasn't there to stop it if he knew about it. Before he could, Kokichi was stopped by Kirumi who seemed to almost defensively interrogate the Ultimate Supreme Leader, asking him just what he was doing. Considering his inner voice, he was very likely right. Most notably, whenever his voice and face goes blank, it's heavily implied that he is being genuine and honest, and taking the current situation very seriously. Kokichi was able to tell that Kaito was slower than usual and pondered on whether or not he was hiding something from everyone. Kokichi Oma is a character from the Danganronpa fandom. Kokichi does not seem to interact with Tenko much. He appears a bit offended and even saddened that the other students hate lies so much, and has once pointed out that the "truth isn't that good anyway". After Kokichi supposedly drank the antidote that could've saved Kaito, he laughed evilly, frightening Maki with the fact that she would become the blackened for murdering Kaito. To further his own ends, Kokichi kept this truth hidden but continued plotting. In chapter 5, it's revealed that Kokichi talked with Miu before the fourth murder happened and asked her to make various inventions to fight against Monokuma. Explore When was Lance Bouma drafted? When Kaede turned out to be the first culprit, Kokichi was shocked for a moment as he pointed out how bad it is that the one who talked about cooperation and unity then went and killed someone in cold blood. Debuts After Maki fled the scene, Kokichi used the electric bomb to disable the Nanokumas, security alarm, and safety mechanism of the press machine inside of the hangar. I need you and your inventions. Oumie is much like the original kokichi ouma with a few creative liberties taken. [deleted] 4 yr. ago. He is the self-proclaimed leader of an evil secret society with more than 10,000 members, though it's unknown if it actually exists. Kokichi claims that Kaito's naive behavior is troublesome for Shuichi's work as a detective and tells him to leave Shuichi alone. After spotting Miu go through the wall that only objects can pass through, Gonta tells Kokichi and the maniacal liar begins to understand the aspects of the program that Miu kept hidden from them and devises the full murder plan, informing Gonta of what to do. Kokichi then appears to calm down immediately, but it's likely that he was just acting and messing with her. When he attempted to play with Korekiyo's katana without his permission while they're inside his Research Lab, Korekiyo disturbingly threatened to tear out all of his nerves more than once, which seemed to genuinely frighten Kokichi and made him stop for once. During class trials, Kokichi often remarks at Maki's familiarity with murder methods and corpses whenever she uses this knowledge to help in cases. His in-story age should definitely be older than 17, since V3-5/6. During the Death Road of Despair, Kaede told the group to keep going, until most people's spirits were broken. 's vendetta against murder. Difficult. Apparently, he wishes to hide his playful heart and true fashion sense in a place no one can see.[5]. Kokichi on the Danganronpa Wiki Kokichi on the Villains Wiki Kokichi Ouma,the son of Sans Undertale and Nagito Komaeda and is a character that nobody really knows . Kokichi sadly complied, telling him that he didn't need to make such scary threats. There are also moments when he suddenly falls asleep and snores comically, angering the others. However, following Gonta's execution, Kokichi puts up his "evil" facade once more, and more intensely than ever. He even realized that Kirumi was confessing her reason to murder, the contents of her Motive Video and talking about her devotion to the citizens of her country was all to garner pity, nearly causing the others to sacrifice themselves for her to escape, and calls her out for it. (to, "When I find someone I like, I'd do anything to get them to notice meeven strangle them.". However, it should also be noted that he was seen as incredibly agile by Maki when he punched Kaito at the end of Chapter 4, and he further claims that he lied about not being good at fighting, so it is unclear just how capable he really is when it comes to a fight. How to pronounce Kokichi Ouma | ", "If I don't have lies, then I don't have anything else! Its heavily implied that Kokichi genuinely cared about Himiko at the moment, as when the other students accused him of not thinking about Himiko's feelings at all he himself stated that he was being so harsh specifically because he cared, in a cruel to be kind way. I am a liarbut that wasn't a lie, okay?". Out of anger, she gave Kaito a swift punch to the gut, causing him to let go and leave the sance room. This shocked and angered the other participants greatly, claiming that there's no way someone like Gonta would commit murder let alone listen to Kokichi after what happened with the Insect Meet and Greet. ; Amateur Sleuth: Prior to being trapped in Monokuma's game, he solved minor cases until he solved a major one, receiving the title of Ultimate Detective as a result.Though he claims to have solved most cases by luck, it's . But I would've preferred it to happen sooner. Kokichi however, lost a significant amount of blood due to his misstep. Shuichi however, was able to see through his lies easily, asking him how he could have prepared the locked-room mystery. However, K1-B0 soon exposes Kokichi's lie, making Gonta furious. In fact, the only thing known about his life for sure is his love of video games and that he's been playing them his whole life. Monokuma goes on to reveal the additional motive, that if a murder did not occur within two days by noon, everyone who was forced to participate would be killed. Kokichi then instructed Gonta to scale down the roof using the toilet paper and put it back in the bathroom. In the official relationship chart from New Danganronpa V3 Official Setting Materials Collection, Monokuma finds Kokichi very "hilarious". At one point, when he is accused of bullying, he pointed out how the other students have no problem bullying and ganging up on him despite claiming to be good people. With that, the real Gonta seemingly came to terms with his fate, not showing any signs of fear. . After the situation seemed to settle down, Kokichi suddenly acted relaxed and claimed that him blaiming Kaede was just a lie to make the group feel more united. He also appears fearful whenever others threaten to hurt him, often running away quickly or relying on Gonta for protection. Kokichi's treatment of Miu seems much harsher than with anyone else as he quite often appears genuine while insulting her, though being a masochist, Miu often just enjoys the insults. Komaru Naegi - 84cm. Upon listening to Korekiyo's motive for killing, Kokichi pointed out that he was likely already insane before he became trapped in the school, wanting to send one-hundred women that he deemed as "fitting friends" to his deceased sister. As the class trial continued on, Shuichi was able to deduce Kirumi as the real culprit of Ryoma's murder. ", "Who knows? CONTAINS V3 SPOILERS!That's how you know they're totally Kokichi's unused voice lines!Uso da yo!#TUVL #KokichiOma #Danganronpa #V3 #LernJergi While this was technically part of his plan to fool Maki in order to end the killing game, it is also implied he only taunted her for the fun of it. In the official art book, it's stated that he is quite nonchalant about his hair, but he does possess a true sense of fashion he keeps hidden and displays through his colorful underwear, supposedly not finding it fitting with his supreme leader image. Shuichi was able to deduce that Maki had Ryoma's video due to the fact that he himself had Kaito's. [4] During his Free Time Event with Shuichi, Kokichi claims he became the supreme leader by murdering his parents and usurping their role. Kokichi laughed Maki's claim off, claiming she was lying out of desperation. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . His Research Lab had a stereotypical dramatic throne of an evil ruler, comical instead of harmful objects, flashy cars and was even described to be like a child's idea of what an evil supreme leader is. With this knowledge, Kokichi began to form the next stage of his plan. In the prologue, he wears the uniform of his original high school. Kokichi appears to love video games and the official art book states he's been playing them his whole life. However, the true Mastermind, in order to get the remaining survivors at the time to continue the Killing Game, decided to connect everyone's memories of The Gofer Project to the story of Hope's Peak Academy. After learning that she is a great cook, Kokichi wants Kirumi to be his "mom" and seemingly decided that she'll make him food whenever he's hungry. Sign in to view all similar questions. However, he has also described himself as a "pretty dickish dictator", claiming that is why his minions probably wouldn't want to save him from the killing game. Kokichi was among these sixteen individuals. He's five years old. The morning of the next day, Kokichi along with everyone else would gather in the dining hall once again and have a normal, but forced the conversation to try and make themselves not think about the horrible events that transpired yesterday. However, Angie seemed to embrace the motive, saying the "corpses" so far may have just been very accurate imitations to make the real people seem dead. While the Student Council members mourned the loss of their president, Korekiyo proposed they perform a seance in order to commune with Angie's spirit. They also wear different clown masks as a symbol of their group and supposedly to hide their identity. This shows the lengths she was willing to go to in order to kill Kokichi. However, he does appear genuinely affected when Shuichi tells him that he's the kind of person who will always be alone. He also tends to say whatever riles up the other students at the moment and tries to mess up conversations without any apparent reason. Kokichi is highly protective of the members of his group, caring about them like a family. ", "We're so close to the truth. +5 more. She insults him by calling him a shota and a compulsive liar (in the English version, she goes even further by calling him "lying little abortion"). Kokichi Oma Alias Ultimate Supreme Leader Super High School Level Supreme Leader (Japanese) Origin Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony Occupation Ultimate Supreme Leader Supreme Leader of D.I.C.E. He has multiple times claimed that he always does things for everyone's sake and complained about the other students not realizing it. yeah his birthday tweet from kodaka this year states he's turning 20 this year (june 2020) v3 was originally released january 2017 so i assume that kodaka intended for kokichi to be 16 and a half in v3. "The correct spelling is "Oma." How tall is kokichi ouma Handmade Guide and FAQs As a result, the true Mastermind prepared a Flashback Light that tricked the remaining participants into thinking that everyone, including those that had died, were actually students of the rebuilt Hope's Peak Academy. Kokichi Oma Later during their second Free Time Event, after noticing how Kaede had fallen for many of his lies so far, he warned her that she'll be the first one to die if she continued to be such an easy mark. Upon watching the video, it is revealed that Kokichi's supposed "evil secret society" was nothing more than a group of ten pranksters known as D.I.C.E. Name ", "I'm more nervous around friends who share too much than strangers, really. That's what you do in, "Then just die in a hole for all I care! While Shuichi and Korekiyo were talking in the latter's lab, Kokichi suddenly barged in, took the gold leaf katana out of its display case and examined it, revealing that it was a real blade. Kokichi later claims he doesn't want Rantaro to come back to life, because he'd rather have Shuichi's wish to have Kaede come back true, to make Shuichi happy.