"History of Bourbon, Scott, Harrison & Nicholas Counties" - FrontierFolk The said Gilmore crossed the River Kanhannay (Kanawha) for the purpose of hunting and was fiered upon and kild by the Indians. I do not recollect the name of the Regiment I belonged to and the following officers are all that I recollect being in this Expedition General (Andrew) Lewis of Virginia. of Regiment not recollected and says he served as a private in the Virginia volunteer line under the following named officers under Captain John Ben Bever [?] He was concerned, however, that doing so might set an uncomfortable precedent, and he complained to Horatio Gates on 9 Mar. The Revolutionary War may have been another one of those "rich man's war, poor man's fight" - but many Virginians did fight. In or about the year 1782 I again volunteered under the same Captain Wright and marched to the relief of Doneleys forts on the frontiers of Greenbrier County with a force of about 45 men commanded by the said Captain Wright whilst at this fort the Shawnee Indians made an attack on the fort and killed 4 men we however repulsed them with several killed & wounded having fulfilled our tour we were discharged. Ive written about Christy before, who later became the first pastor of the historic Rehoboth Church. American Revolution 13th Virginia Regiment - RevWarTalk After the war Gibson served as a judge of the court of common pleas and a general in the Pennsylvania militia, and in 1800 Jefferson appointed him secretary of the Indiana Territory, an office he held until 1816. Inside were three barracks, warehouses, officers quarters, a forge, kitchen, and powder magazines. Heard him the said Dixon relate whilst engaged as a Spy that a woman By the name of Butler kiled in Virginia and other circumstances in relation to his services as a spy heard him the said Dixon relate that he was urged by Col. Garham of Greenbrier Cty to watch his family till he could return from Court, and that he the said Dixon did watch accordingly and that said Dixon discovered there were danger from Indians, and warned the family of Col Graham who did not heed his the said Dixons warning he having previous to their being kild they the family aforesd refused to go to the fort that was close by & was murdered by the Indians the next morning.. . 13th Infantry Capt. At the time, and unknown to Hull, only 100 men of the 41st Regiment, along with 300 militiamen and 150 Indians, defended Fort Malden. That again in the Spring of the year 1777 he entered the service as an Indian Spy on the 15thday of April and was discharged as before on the first day of November following having that summer performed a tour of six months and a half; he again went into service as an Indian Spy on the 15thday of April 1778 and continued in said service until the first of November following having again performed a tour of six months and a half and that he again commenced his expedition as an Indian Spy on the first day of May 1779 and continued in service until the first day of November 1779 having performed a tour of six months that summer, making in all Two years and one months services which he performed as an Indian Spy. Regiments - Valley Forge Muster Roll Mar 11, 2023 [Daguerreotype] Jenny Lind, Unpublished $400. The major under whomaffiantserved was Andrew Hamilton. In the evening moved to Camp Blair at Fairfax station with the Newtown Artillery and the 10th Virginia Infantry. Not only that, but he states that he joined a company commanded by Captain James Byrnside, and that they marched to Fort Pitt in 1777 and there joined Col. Brodheads command and built Fort McIntosh, on the Ohio River. Gen. Peter Muhlenberg: September 14, 1778: redesignated the 9th Virginia: . that he was several times engaged in routing the picket guard of the enemy during the aforesaid tour. The regiment was disbanded at Fort Pitt on 1 January 1783. The 8th Pennsylvania, also stationed there, was commanded by Col. Daniel Brodhead. Drafted as aforesaid in the month of Febuary seventeen hundred seventy Eight, And marched in the month of March of the same year To Fort Chissell (Chiswell) in Virginia In the Company Commanded by Captain John Henderson under the command of Major Hamilton [probably Andrew Hamilton] stationed at Fort Chisel aforesaid. That he was at the Building of Fort McIntosh, on Ohio below Big Beaver Creek (this is the Beaver River at present Beaver PA, constructed in the Fall of 1778) and was discharged at that place by Col. Brodhead . On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. By mid-April, Washington recognized the difficulties Brodhead and his men faced. Travelled to a place near the Crab Orchard [in Lincoln County KY], we encamped at night. Thanks. That about the first of February 1781 he was drafted for six month in Captain Wm Hamiltons Company to serve against to Indians and on the 14thof February he marched and rendezvoused on the 15that Burnsides [Fort Burnside], near where Union now stands in the County of Monroe Virginia he then was marched to Fort Chisel in the County of Montgomery [Fort Chiswell now in Wythe County VA] where he was attached to the company of Captain John Henderson John Woods was Lieutenant Andrew Hamilton Magor where they remained for some cause he never new what they guarded a few Tories there and was sometimes told that they was to be marched against some Tories that was stationed up the New River at one time it was said that they was to be attacked by the Tories and they went in camp prepared Bullets &c for the engagement but no engagement took place that the campaign was so irregularly conducted that he left them and returned home after serving only five months. >"% '^' k:' * n^ >7-, %.^ ^^% ,x^^' - '^. 13th Virginia Regiment Frontier, Native Americans, Strategy, The War Years (1775-1783) May 11, 2021 May 12, 2021. One who was King Cornstalk a Shawnee Indian in despite of the Commandant officer of the Garison General Hann deeming the above named expedition inadvisable abandened the expedition. Journal of the American Revolution also produces annual hardcover volumes, a branded book series, and the podcast, Dispatches. I was marched back to Greenbrier County virgina. He was with the 13th VA. SUBMITTER INFO: Went on to Fort McIntosh lay there a while and then moved on with the army to Fort Laurence (Fort Laurens). During this campaign, the advanced guard was attacked by a large body of Indians, and after a short engagement in which they killed ten of the Indians they succeeded in defeating and driving them from the field. The first commander of the Twenty-first was E. L. Dudley, of Lexington, who died February 20, 1862. 13th Virginia Regiment (Revolutionary War) FamilySearch Companies recruited men from Yohogania County; Monongalia County and West Augusta District, now Ohio County. Col. John Gibson which regiment was attached to the command of Gen. Lachlan McIntosh. That as early as the 1stday of May in the year 1780 he again entered the service of his Country as before in Burnsides Fort and continued in service until the 1stof November following That he was commanded as before by the aforesaid Captain Wright. In the spring of 1782 he was again drafted under Captain Archibald Woods. The circumstances that brought a second tour of service, were as follows (towit) in the fall of the year 1780 I engaged in the company of Capt. [fn p. 14: on May 11, 1848 in Harrison County Indiana, Mary Catherine Trout, 72, filed for a widow's pension under the 1848 act stating that she is the widow of Anthony D. Trout, a pensioner at the rate of $80 per annum for his services in the revolution.] Patterson mentions fleeing Hamiltons fort at one point to Keeneys Fort because it was better fortified. Served the above six months a private as above. No Spam - just posts. That he does not reccollect that any thing of importance took place in the immediate neighborhood of the Fort but that the Indians were constantly prowling about through the Country and committing murders and depradations on the persons and property of the frontier setters insomuch that the people were kept in constant alarm, That in the year 1778 he again entered the Service of his Country in Burnsides Fort on the 1stday of May and continued in Service until the 1stday of November following that he was commanded this year as before by the aforesaid Captain Wright. skeith@waynesville.k12.mo.us Where and in what year were you born. During the Gettysburg Campaign it was left at Winchester as provost guard. At this period I had been transfered to the Company of Captain John Wood who had been promoted to the office of Captain. Thus, it was probably 1778. That again on the first of May 1779 he valentered and served under the said Capt Hamilton untill the first of Sept. of the same year that he was stationed in Hamiltons Garrison and nothing occured this season worthy of notice that he frequently as was usual went out by turns to watch the paths that was thought most likely that Indians would attampt to pass through, That on the first of April in the year 1780 he entered the servis under Capt Hamilton and served untill the first of September of the same year and was stationed as before in Hamiltons Garrison that he recollects in the Spring of this year of going in company with William Morris Thos. 890 Words4 Pages. These first-hand narratives, mostly from the 1830s, are the recollections of the 18th century frontier soldiers of the Greenbrier Valley. He was here under Captain Archibald Woods. He started to the place of rendezvous on or about the 14thday of February and met at James Byrnsides the place of rendezvous on the 15thday of that month 1781. If youve read That Dark and Bloody Water, by Allen Eckert, then youve read extensively about Col. Gibson and the entire ordeal of what occurred in the theater of operations around Fort Pitt at this time. It was again reorganized and redesignated as the 7th Virginia Regiment on 1 January 1781 to consist of two companies. Person:John Vance (23) - Genealogy - WeRelate he says the News of Burgoynes Surrender had not Reached there.4, Lt Cane was ordered down the Country to Bring up the Cloathing for the Remainder of the 13th Virga Regt now here, But as the Cloathing is not Yet Arrived, and the men Being in the most distressed Condition, I have now sent Capt. We feature smart, groundbreaking research and well-written narratives from expert writers. Marched to McAfees Station on Salt River, where Capt. The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War. 3.Simon Girty (17411818), an Indian trader born near Harrisburg, Pa., and raised partly among Seneca Indians, had been employed as an interpreter for the Americans around Fort Pitt as early as 1759 and as a scout during Dunmores War in 1774. Their Wives and Children were soon after forced to fly into Forts, to escape the danger of a savage Enemy, at a time when provisions were scarce in that part of the Country and must have suffered much since. William was a son of William Harvey II(1744-1819)and Polly Jane Robinson Harvey(1749-1844). The return includes three companies of the 13th Virginia Regiment and two companies of independent Virginia troops, a total of 256 men, including 15 commissioned officers, 28 noncommissioned officers, and 213 rank and file. Originally published . Vance, John, entered service as sergeant major in 13th Virginia Regiment; twice wounded at Battle of Germantown/ moved to western part of Pennsylvania or Virginia near Yogohany River abt. The fortress was constructed in 1778 under the direction of Lt. Col. Cambray-Digny, a French engineer, and named in honor of General Lachlan McIntosh. On 24 May 1778 the unit was assigned to the Western Department, and on 12 May 1779 it was reorganized and redesignated as the 9th Virginia Regiment. Through its grants program, the NHPRC supports a wide range of activities to Records Commission. This is George Dixons own pension narrative, which follows: [H]e entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated That he entered the said service in the month of September AD 1777 A volenteer of the County of Greenbrier in the state of Virginia, in the Company commanded by Captain James Armstrong, marched from the said County of Greenbrier [illegible word] the Kenhaway to Point Pleasent [sic: Kanawha River to Point Pleasant] on the Ohio River Captain [Matthew] Arbuckle commanded said Garison [Fort Randolph] at Point Pleasent. the United States, and research and development projects to bring historical records to the The return includes three companies of the 13th Virginia Regiment and two companies of independent Virginia troops, a total of 256 men, including 15 commissioned officers, 28 noncommissioned officers, and 213 rank and file. [I]n the year 1781 I was drafted & marched from Greenbrier County under Capt John Henderson. Eileen Lloyd. That sometime in the year 1774 he volunteered as a Private Militia man under Captain Benjamin Harriss [Benjamin Harris?] Prussian, or Polish-into their regiment. James O'Hara's Company of Regulars, was a messenger for General Irvine; he later served as a Captain in the Allegheny County Militia and was a noted scout and Indian fighter with Samuel Brady[1]. [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Stephen Watts Kearney's Co. Capt. To George Washington from Colonel William Russell, Sr., 24 Feb - Archives Through its grants program, the NHPRC supports a wide range of activities to Each of these expeditions ended up diverting men to stay and guard the mines, as they were constantly under threat by the local tory groups in the nearby mountains. Indeed, Company C, Capt. Servt, W. Russell Colo. Commr Genl Muhlenbergs Brigade. This narrative by Mr. Griffin pertains to the western theater of war during the Revolution. List of regimental, company and militia units from Virginia in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War from 1775 to 1782, including infantry, cavalry and artillery units. old the 2ndday of November next in the year 1773 I settled with my Father on Muddy creek Greenbrier county and have lived there ever since. that they told him he must goe with them to Niagara, that he made his Escape; By going to hunt for his horse. The American Heroes Channel announces its new Blood and Fury: America's Civil War TV show will premiere Wednesday, December 14, 2016 at 10:00pm ET/PT.The series delves into one of the bloodiest chapters in American history. Read the email, or read online! No. The regiment was disbanded at Fort Pitt on 1 January 1783. James Reed "Revolutionary War - Capt. Benjamin' Harrison Company - 13th Download Military Services And Genealogical Records Of Soldiers Of I was born on Wolf Creek near Greenbrier River then called West Augusta now Monroe County in the year 1753 and I have heard it frequent said that I was the first white child ever born in what is now the limits of Monroe County. He described their return journey in a letter: Three days were occupied in destroying standing corn and burning houses. It appears that Kincaid (who was a neighbor of James Byrnside) was part of the contingent who remained in western Virginia, rather than going on to Kentucky. It seems likely that Thomas Wright is the militia captain generally in command at Byrnsides Fort during the Rev War years. Saml Miller of the 8th Pensl. Drafted in February, 1780, under Capt. About the year 1779 or 1780 as I think I volunteered under Captain Thomas Wright of Greenbrier County in the State of Virginia in which County I still lived with a body of Militia ordered out by the authority of Virginia. American Revolutionary War Continental Regiments List of Continental Army Units in 1777 to 1780 Connecticut Line Delaware Line Georgia Line Maryland Line Massachusetts Line New Jersey Line New Hampshire Line New York Line North Carolina Line Pennsylvania Line Rhode Island Line South Carolina Line Virginia Line Gibson made an error when adding the figures of one row of the return, resulting in an incorrect total of 258. That in the Spring of 1778 on the first of May he Valenteered and Served under Capt William Hamilton untill the first of Sept in the same year that in this year he was stationed in Hamiltons Garrison which was situated on Muddy creek (a tributary stream of Greenbrier river) about five miles higher up on said creek than the Fort that he had served in the year previous that he remained in Hamiltons Fort untill the night of the 28 of May when Leonard Cooper and a nother Spy came and informed the Garrison that Donlyes Fort (Donnallys Fort) (which was about 12 miles distance from Hamiltons Fort) was attacked by about two Hundred Indians and Capt Hamilton supposeing that his Fort was not strong enough to withstand and attack from such a force of Indians ordered his men to march that night to Keeny Fort [Fort Keeney] which was situated five miles below on Muddy Creek where he remained with a regulary embodied corps untill the time above named that is untill the 1st September 1778. that during the whole of the aforesaid time he was either actively engaged in scouting or in Garrison with an Imbodied Corps under the command of the aforesaid Officers and that he was not engaged in any civil pursuits during the aforesaid periods. He took part in Lord Dunmores war against the Shawnee and Ottawa villages in 1774, receiving that November the speech How much more then must our apprehension of Danger increase when we find that by an Act of Assembly we are to furnish 34 Men More for the Continental Army. A ,.^ : ^*> s amertcan CommontDealti^si LOUISIANA JISIANA ro ACCOMPANY vERT PHELPS MERICAN . Mar 11, 2023 . HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOTES AND DOCUMENTS - Pennsylvania State University William Crawford (soldier) - Wikipedia history museum that tells the 300+ year story of how celebrates Iowa's rich heritage, including its natural. This article is converted from Wikipedia: List of British units in the American Revolutionary War. Benjamin' Harrison Company - 13th Virginia Regiment" of Fairfax, Virginia, USA, as well as other members of the Reed "Revolutionary War - Capt. Clay, was raised principally in Paris and the surrounding community. After remaining there some six or eight weeks he was marched back to Woodses fort near New River in Greenbrier County (Woods Fort, 4 mi NE of Peterstown now in Monroe County WV) and was kept employed in guarding Indians and Tories. Aux Etats-Unis, des lves du primaire. The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War. Sullivan settled out west after the war. The Settlers betook themselves to Cooks Fort on the 1st of May in that year and he entered on the duties of an Indian Spy on the same day and continued in Service the first of November following when cold weather coming on in all signs of Indians disappearing the Settlers left the Fort and returned to their habitations. Washington and his western officers wanted to attack Detroit. List of the revolutionary soldiers of Virginia. Special report of the The reason Capt. Stirlings Division|Muhlenbergs Brigade| 13th Virginia Regiment. . As well as I can recollect and the requisition was made by the Governor of Virginia for troops to aid the settlements (now Kentucky) who were much distressed by the Indians. This little statement was given in support of his his brother, Peter Dixons, pension application. The 10th Virginia Regiment of the Virginia Line was initially raised on December 28, 1775 in western Virginia for service with the Continental Army. 13th Virginia: Brig. 10TH VIRGINIA REGIMENT - Valley Forge Muster Roll All rights reserved. Most of the regiment was captured at Charlestown, South Carolina on May 12, 1780 by the British and the regiment was formally disbanded on November 15, 1783. But Genl Clark having returned to Kentucky after an expedition to the Scioto in which the troops that this declarant belonged was to have participated in But arived to late for to join Genl Clark aforesaid in said expedition was disbanded by Major Hamilton who were their Commandant in the month of June 1778 and returned home to Virginia. 12th Virginia Regiment (Revolutionary War) FamilySearch The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War. Soon after, Brodhead led an expedition to stop the threat of American Indian raids on the frontier. July 23. old the 15thof Sept. (Inst) am a native of Lancaster Pa. moved to Monroe Co Va. in 1776 [formed from Greenbrier County in 1799] (most likely 1778) during the war of the Revolution (cant tell in what year) I was employed by Burnside to drive packhorses loaded with provisions for McIntoshs campaign got my load at dry run. In early March of 1779, George Washington wrote to Daniel Brodhead and placed him in command of Fort Pitt: From my opinion of your abilities, your former acquaintance with the back Country, and the knowledge you must have acquired upon this last tour of duty, I have appointed you to command in preference to a stranger, who would not have time to gain the necessary information between that of his assuming the command and the commencement of operations.. That he moved from the Eastern part of Augusta County in the year 1774 to Turkey Creek a tributary stream of Indian Creek now in the County of Monroe then he thinks called West Augusta and better known by the name of the Greenbriar [sic: Greenbrier] Country. Blood and Fury: America's Civil War: AHC Announces New Historical A Choice Body of Men: The Continental Army on the Upper Ohio . John Sproull's Co. Lt. John Williams's Detachment Company not indicated 14th Infantry Regimental Staff Capt. George McCormicks DAR record says that he served in the Virginia 13th Regiment under Colonels Crawford and Russell. Colonel Hill was promoted to brigadier general. THE MEXICAN WAR. 13TH VIRGINIA REGIMENT Stirling's Division | Muhlenberg's Brigade | 13th Virginia Regiment History Organized February 1777 at Fort Pitt from Yohogania, Monongalia, and Ohio Counties. Black-owned restaurants in Pensacola: Over 20 restaurants, bars to Byrnsides Fort Open House and the Farmers Day Parade 2022, Confederate Civil War Camp Found Near Union, WV, Fort Pitt During the Revolutionary War: General Brodheads Expedition, Finding Crawfords Burn Site article, 1985, Pension Application of George Dixon S16764, To Thomas Jefferson from the Officers of the Greenbrier County Militia, John Kincaids Rev War Narrative, Frontier Forts, Lead Mines, Scandal, and Forensic Pathology, James Christy of Byrnsides Fort: Indian Spy and Frontier Minister, Tub Mills on the 18th Century Virginia Frontier, Fire Strikers, a.k.a., Strike-a-Lites in the American fur trade. 10th Virginia Regiment | Military Wiki | Fandom James Armstrong was in command. Historical data on wars and the local area is also included. That he entered the service of the United States, & served under the following named Officers, he was drafted for six months at the House or Station called, Burnsides Station [near present Salt Sulfur Springs in Monroe County WV], in month of February 1778, in the company commanded, by Captain John Henderson, Lieutenant John Woods. [T]hat he was drafted in the last of February in the year 1781 in the service of the United States and entered the service under Colonel (William) Preston, Major Quirk and Captain Andrew Hamilton of the Militia of the State of Virginia at Burnsides Station in Greenbrier County and march[ed] from there to what is now called Kentucky to join General Clark [George Rogers Clark] at the falls of the Ohio to go to New orleans [New Orleans] to assist the French agreeable to order of General Washington. He again commenced his duties as a Spy on the 15th day of April 1777 and continued in service as such until the first of November following when he was discharged having served that summer six months and a half: that he again entered the service as an Indian Spy on the 15th day of April 1778 and continued in service until the first of November following making a tour of six months and a half: and again on the first day of May 1779 he entered the service as an Indian Spy and was discharged on the first day of November following having performed a tour of six months Service that summer making in the whole term of service as an Indian Spy which he served his Country two years and one month. Reached home the last of August in Company with twenty-eight others who had been in the same service. My wifes gggggrandfather fought at the Battle of Brandywine. Monmouth - Brandywine Soldiers I am happy to be informd by Major Campbell, that your Excellency intends shortly to have the divided and disagreeable situation of the 13th Virginia Regiment laid before Congress; that thereby that part of the Regiment here, and those over the Mountain at Fort Pitt may be joind together, and act accordingly at such place as your Excellency and Congress may think propper to direct.1, That the Soldiers of that Regiment had assurances by the Officers who enlisted them to be continued on that side of the Mountain, is a fact, perhaps unknown to your Excellency, but true it is such engagements drew in many married Men to enlist, who have since been forced down here, leaving their helpless Families in a most miserable condition. While Hull dithered and delayed at Detroit, worrying about his supply lines through Ohio and along the Lake Erie shore, he received news that the American base at Mackinac had fallen to the British on July 17. Archives Division Publication date 1913 Topics Virginia. I procured a substitute by the name of Joshua Boucher to whom I paid $50 to take my place for three months which he done. the United States, and research and development projects to bring historical records to the Interrogatory 1. The Diaries of George Washington. 3. Our work has been featured by the New York Times, TIME magazine, History Channel, Discovery Channel, Smithsonian, Mental Floss, NPR, and more. That he enlisted for Eighteen months that he served out his time and was discharged at Buckades (Bouquets, I believe) Old fort on the Muskingham River . Heres the narrative portion: Gordon Griffin states that he was a Continental soldier in the revolutionary war, in the service of the United Colonies that he enlisted in Greenbrier County Virginia, he thinks about the middle of August 1777 that he belonged to a company commanded by Capt James Burnside (Byrnside) which was attatched to the thirteenth regiment of the Line from Virginia on continental establishment Commanded by Col. Daniel Brodhead and Lieut. The competing officers would engage in a power struggle in a letter writing campaign against one another to Gen. Washington. During the Revolutionary War, Kiashuta promised neutrality, but in 1782 he led an expedition that burned the settlement at Hannastown, Pennsylvania. It seems he was mostly garrisoned at William Hamiltons fort on Muddy Creek. Previous Engagements: Northern New Jersey, Defense of Philadelphia, Philadelphia-Monmouth. 10th Virginia Regiment Continental Line - RootsWeb During the Summer of 1780 he was permitted to remain in quiet there being no along given in the Settlement of the approach of the Indians and no depredations were committed that year. virginia civil war reenactments 2022 - prismaces.colmex.mx He then mentions serving under Captain Thomas Wright. 13th Virginia Regiment - Brandywine Soldiers I shall be 77 yrs. where they had been and that they had seen no signs of Indians but not thinking a family safe in such a situation advised him to leave his Cabbin and go to the Fort but he did not concent to do so and in a few hours after the Spyes left him the House was attact by a small party of Indians and some of them firing at the door which was shut the ball penetrated through the door and lodged in the boddy of Mrs. Bradshaw and wounded her so badly that she died that night and on Bradshaws firing his gun through the door from the inner side the Indians retired without doing any farther damage.