sulla primary sources

Sulla hurried in full force towards Rome and there fought the Battle of the Colline Gate on the afternoon of 1 November 82BC. Despite initial difficulties, Sulla was successful with minimal resources and preparation; with few Roman troops, he hastily levied allied soldiers and advanced quickly into rugged terrain before routing superior enemy forces. Also, Faustus Cornelius Sulla, Nero's cousin, was exiled as a potential rival in 58. [89] After Octavius induced the senate to outlaw Cinna, Cinna suborned the army besieging Nola and induced the Italians again to rise up. The Acropolis was then besieged. He's remembered best for bringing his soldiers into Rome, the killing of Roman citizens, and his military skill in several areas. [18] Lacking ready money, Sulla spent his youth among Romes comedians, actors, lute players, and dancers. Guide. Learning in Black and White. Years later, in 91BC, Bocchus paid for the erection of gilded equestrian statue depicting Sulla's capture of Jugurtha. Washington, DC, March 19, 2013 - The U.S. invasion of Iraq turned out to be a textbook case of flawed assumptions, wrong-headed intelligence, propaganda manipulation, and administrative ad hockery, according to the National Security Archive's briefing book of declassified documents posted today to mark the 10 th anniversary of the war. For list of offices and years, unless otherwise indicated, sfn error: no target: CITEREFKeaveney2006 (, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFBadian2012 (, sfnm error: no target: CITEREFBadian2012 (, sfn error: no target: CITEREFSeager1994 (, Gabba, E. "Rome and Italy: the social war". With Sulpicius able to enact legislation without consular opposition, Sulla discovered that Marius had tricked him, for the first piece of legislation Sulpicius brought was a law transferring the command against Mithridates to Marius. He married again, with a woman called Aelia, of which nothing is known other than her name. Beginning Research Activities Student activities designed to help . [116] Advancing on Capua, he met the two consuls of that year Lucius Cornelius Scipio Asiaticus and Gaius Norbanus who had dangerously divided their forces. Plutarch states in his Life of Sulla that "Sulla now began to make blood flow, and he filled the city with deaths without number or limit," further alleging that many of the murdered victims had nothing to do with Sulla, though Sulla killed them to "please his adherents.". Beyond personal enmity, Caesar Strabo may also have stood for office because it was evident that Rome's relations with the Pontic king, Mithridates VI Eupator, were deteriorating and that the consuls of 88 would be assigned an extremely lucrative and glorious command against Pontus. [21] Regardless, by the standards of the Roman political class, Sulla was a very poor man. The Mithridatic War (88 - 85 BC) [127] Sulla himself was defeated and forced to flee into his camp, but his lieutenant Crassus on the right wing won the battle in the night. Primary sources are most often produced around the time of the events you are studying. [91], During close of the Social War, in 89BC, Mithridates VI Eupator of Pontus invaded Roman Asia. aking of America (MoA) is a digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction. Hanover Historical Texts Collection - History Department [36] Amid a reorganisation of political alliances, the traditionalists in the Senate raised up Sulla a patrician, even if a poor one, as a counterweight against the newcomer Marius. Textbook passages discussing specific concepts, events, and experiments. Proscribing or outlawing every one of those whom he perceived to have acted against the best interests of the Republic while he was in the east, Sulla ordered some 1,500 nobles (i.e. Of the twelve outlaws, only Sulpicius was killed after being betrayed by a slave. Sulla can be seen as setting the precedent for Julius Caesar's dictatorship, and for the eventual end of the Republic under Augustus. [65] This had been preceded by the lex Julia, passed by Lucius Julius Caesar in October 90BC, which had granted citizenship to those allies who remained loyal. The Internet Modern History Sourcebook is one of series of history primary sourcebooks. Newspaper reports, by reporters who witnessed an event or who quote people who did. Sulla played an important role in the long political struggle between the optimates and populares factions at Rome. Sulla and the proscriptions - Jerry Fielden The Battle of Sacriportus occurred between the forces of Young Marius and the battle-hardened legions of Sulla. Speeches, diaries, letters and interviews - what the people involved said or . [26] Sulla was assigned by lot to his staff. [90] By the end of 87BC, Cinna and Marius had besieged Rome and taken the city, killed consul Gnaeus Octavius, massacred their political enemies, and declared Sulla an outlaw; they then had themselves elected consuls for 86BC. [106] Roman forces then surrounded the Pontic camp. Sulla's body was cremated and his ashes placed in his tomb in the Campus Martius. [6] Keaveney places his departure to 93. Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix (/ s l /; 138-78 BC), commonly known as Sulla, was a Roman general and statesman.He won the first large-scale civil war in Roman history and became the first man of the Republic to seize power through force.. Sulla had the distinction of holding the office of consul twice, as well as reviving the dictatorship.A gifted and innovative general, he achieved . Sulla immediately proscribed 80 persons without communicating with any magistrate. Continuing towards Scipio's position at Teanum Sidicinum, Sulla negotiated and was almost able to convince Scipio to defect. [61] Pompeii was taken some time during the year, along with Stabiae and Aeclanum; with the capture of Aeclanum, Sulla forced the Hirpini to surrender. [27], When Marius took over the war, he entrusted Sulla to organise cavalry forces in Italy needed to pursue the mobile Numidians into the desert. [48] The Parthian ambassador, Orobazus, was executed upon his return to Parthia for allowing this humiliation; the Parthians, however, ratified the treaty reached, which established the Euphrates as a clear boundary between Parthia and Rome. [31] Ultimately, the Numidians were defeated in 106BC, due in large part to Sulla's initiative in capturing the Numidian king. [130], In total control of the city and its affairs, Sulla instituted a series of proscriptions (a program of executing and confiscating the property of those whom he perceived as enemies of the state). Even though the prosecutor declined to show up on the day of the trial, leading to Sulla's victory by default, Sulla's ambitions were frustrated. What is a primary source? - Paperpile To make primary texts readily available for classroom use, they selected important . Primary sources are available here primarily for use in high-school and university/college courses. [21], This article is about the Roman dictator. This may have been related to Sulla's campaign for the consulship. This prophecy was to have a powerful hold on Sulla throughout his lifetime. Here are the names and relevant periods for some of the main ancient Latin and Greek sources for Roman history. [84] Cinna, even before the election, said he would prosecute Sulla at the conclusion of the latter's consular term. Constitutional reforms of Sulla - Wikipedia As this caused a general murmur, he let one day pass, and then proscribed 220 more, and again on the third day as many. The personal motto was "no better friend, no worse enemy.". This "firsthand" understanding of human motivations and the ordinary Roman citizen may explain why he was able to succeed as a general despite lacking any significant military experience before his 30s.[25]. The Senate immediately sent an embassy demanding an explanation for his seeming march on the fatherland, to which Sulla responded boldly, saying that he was freeing it from tyrants. If Sulla hesitated it can only have been because he was not sure how his army would react. Sulla would ratify Mithridates' position in Pontus and have him declared a Roman ally. The Library of Congress Teacher's page provides tools and guides for using primary sources in research, focusing of the unique materials in the Library's digital collections. PDF 1 Marius' Mules: Paving the Path to Power Mary Wright Seminar Paper Although he was able to regain the command, his political setup in Rome collapsed almost as soon as he left Italy, and the war would . Primary sources - Roman Republic and Empire - Research Guides at CSU Internet History Sourcebooks Project: Ancient History - Fordham University In the decades before Sulla had become dictator, Roman politics became increasingly violent. [93] News of these conquests reached Rome in the autumn of 89BC, leading the Senate and people to declare war; actual preparations for war were, however, delayed: after Sulla was given the command, it took him some eighteen months to organise five legions before setting off; Rome was also severely strained financially. [43] Refusing to stand for an aedileship (which, due to its involvement in hosting public games, was extremely expensive), Sulla became a candidate for the praetorship in 99BC. 213/23 P.Cornelius Sulla is chosen to be Flamen Dialis. Sulla and Pompeius Rufus opposed the bill, which Sulpicius took as a betrayal; Sulpicius, without the support of the consuls, looked elsewhere for political allies. 1011 accepts these inheritances without much comment and places them around Sulla's turning thirty years of age. Faced with mobilizing a sufficient fighting force, Congress passed the Selective Service Act on May 18, 1917. PDF The Emperor Nero: A Guide to the Ancient Sources - Introduction Almost breaking before Marius' makeshift forces, Sulla then stationed troops all over the city before summoning the Senate and inducing it to outlaw Marius, Marius' son, Sulpicius, and nine others. Sulla was a man to whom, up to victory, sufficient praise can hardly be given, and for whom, after victory, no criticism can be adequate. You can limit HOLLIS searches to your time period, but sources may be published later, such as a person's diary published posthumously. With the capture and execution of Carbo, who had fled Sicily for Egypt, both consuls for 82BC were now dead. They are original research, thinking, or discovery on a topic or event, and are written or created by people who actually experienced the event . They are now largely lost, although fragments from them exist as quotations in later writers. "[157] This duality, or inconsistency, made him very unpredictable and "at the slightest pretext, he might have a man crucified, but, on another occasion, would make light of the most appalling crimes; or he might happily forgive the most unpardonable offenses, and then punish trivial, insignificant misdemeanors with death and confiscation of property. [139][140], Sulla's goal now was to write his memoirs, which he finished in 78 BC, just before his death. Livy, Periochae 81-85 - Livius At the same time, Mithridates attempted to force a land battle in northern Greece, and dispatched a large army across the Hellespont. [108] Adding to his challenges was Lucullus' fleet, reinforced by Rhodian allies. Research Process and Acumen: Experience with primary sources can support future academic success. [122] Marius, buttressed by Samnite support, fought a long and hard battle with Sulla at Sacriportus that resulted in defeat when five of his cohorts defected. As such, he sought to strengthen the aristocracy, and thus the Senate. [119][120] The remainder of 83BC was dedicated to recruiting for the next year's campaign amid poor weather: Quintus Sertorius had raised a considerable force in Etruria, but was alienated from the consuls by the election of Gaius Marius' son rather than himself and so left to his praetorian province of Hispania Citerior; Sulla repudiated recognition of any treaties with the Samnites, whom he did not consider to be Roman citizens due to his rejection of Marius and Cinna's deal in 87BC. Ariobarzanes had been driven out by Mithridates VI of Pontus, who wanted to install one of his own sons (Ariarathes) on the Cappadocian throne. In art, literature, and cultural studies, primary sources . Website. [131] The purge went on for several months. At the start of his second consulship in 80BC with Metellus Pius, Sulla resigned his dictatorship. [101], Sulla decamped his army from Attica toward central Greece. Turning south, he engaged the Pontic army allegedly 90,000[101] on the plain of Orchomenus. Sulla then established a system where all consuls and praetors served in Rome during their year in office, and then commanded a provincial army as a governor for the year after they left office. Sulla's law waived the sponsio, allowing such cases to be heard without it. [61] But after Cato's death in battle with the Marsi,[62] Sulla was prorogued pro consule and placed in supreme command of the southern theatre. was a major figure in the late Roman Republic. Each actor's story is unique and each brings something important to the ensemble. Internet History Sourcebooks Project - Fordham University [97], Early in 87BC, Sulla transited the Adriatic for Thessaly with his five legions. Primary Sources (Original Documents) - Cornell University He attempted to mitigate this by passing laws to limit the actions of generals in their provinces, and although these laws remained in effect well into the imperial period, they did not prevent determined generals, such as Pompey and Julius Caesar, from using their armies for personal ambition against the Senate, a danger of which Sulla was intimately aware. The veto power of the tribunes and their legislating authority were soon reinstated, ironically during the consulships of Pompey and Crassus.[150]. Cicero comments that Pompey once said, "If Sulla could, why can't I? If Sulla had married one of the Julii Caesares, this could explain Marius' willingness to entrust such an important task to a young man with no military experience, as Marius too had married into that family. [42], Victorious, Marius and Catulus were both granted triumphs as the commanding generals. Sulla also wanted to reduce the risk that a future general might attempt to seize power, as he himself had done. These sieges lasted until spring of 86BC. Internet History Sourcebooks: Modern History - Fordham University There is no single tool that will find everything at UCR, but a good start is to reach . The collection is particularly strong in the subject areas of education, psychology, American history, sociology, religion, and science and technology. [155] Plutarch notes that Sulla considered that "his golden head of hair gave him a singular appearance. Marius (C. Marius) - Roman consul, seven times from 107 B.C. Archives; Correspondence With Mithridates' armies in Europe almost entirely destroyed, Archelaus and Sulla negotiated a set of relatively cordial peace terms which were then forwarded to Mithridates. When he was still a proconsul in 82, he planned and executed the proscriptions against his enemies for revenge, especially from the Marian camp, and against rich Romans because he needed money to pay his veterans . He then reinforced this decision by legislation, retroactively justifying his illegal march on the city and stripping the twelve outlaws of their Roman citizenship. Ancient Historians of Roman History - ThoughtCo Primary Source 10. Primary Sources on the Web: Finding, Evaluating, Using. What Is a Primary Source? - Definition & Examples - Encyclopaedia Romana - Has essays on several aspects of ancient Rome. [100] The Pontic casualties given in Plutarch and Appian, the main sources for the battles, are exaggerated; Sulla's report that he suffered merely fifteen losses is not credible. His enemy, Lucius Cornelius Cinna, was elected consul for 87BC in place of his candidate;[83] his nephew was rejected as plebeian tribune while Marius' nephew was successful. Provides tips on how to read and use primary sources in historical research. Sulla, in southern Italy, operated largely defensively on Lucius Julius Caesar's flank while the consul conducted offensive campaigning. [24] Keaveney 2005, pp. He was devoted to pleasure but more devoted to glory. [136] Sulla's reforms both looked to the past (often repassing former laws) and regulated for the future, particularly in his redefinition of maiestas (treason) laws and in his reform of the Senate. During these times on the stage, after initially only singing, he started writing plays, Atellan farces, a kind of crude comedy. Lucius other name: Sulla Details individual; military/naval; official; Roman; Male. [55] The Cimbric war also revived Italian solidarity, aided by Roman extension of corruption laws to allow allies to lodge extortion claims. Gill. [70][71] They were designed to regulate Rome's finances, which were in a very sorry state after all the years of continual warfare. In the ensuing fight, Sulla defeated Marius, who consequently fled to Praeneste. [37], Starting in 104BC, Marius moved to reform the defeated Roman armies in southern Gaul. Or he could attempt to reverse it and regain his command. In an harangue to the people, he said, with reference to these measures, that he had proscribed all he could think of, and as to those who now escaped his memory, he would proscribe them at some future time. When Scipio refused, Sulla let him go. Secondary sources provide second-hand information and commentary from other researchers. In, Constitutional reforms of Lucius Cornelius Sulla, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Rubicon: The Last Years of the Roman Republic, L. Cornelius (392) L. f. P. n. Sulla Felix ('Epaphroditus'), Digital Prosopography of the Roman Republic, Gaius Sallustius Crispus (Sallust) was born Amiternum in the country of the Sabines in 86 BC. J. [57], The same year, Bocchus paid for the erection of a statue depicting Sulla's capture of Jugurtha. Scipio's men quickly abandoned him for Sulla; finding him almost alone in his camp, Sulla tried again to persuade Scipio to defect. Sulla's career is recounted in detail in Howard Hayes Scullard, From the Gracchi to Nero: A History of Rome from 133 B.C. Examples include journal articles, reviews . He never allowed his debaucheries to interfere with his duties but he devoted all his leisure time to them. [146] An epitaph, which Sulla composed himself, was inscribed onto the tomb, reading, "No friend ever served me, and no enemy ever wronged me, whom I have not repaid in full. They were, however, successful in holding Macedonia, then governed by propraetor Gaius Sentius and his legate Quintus Bruttius Sura. [109] Faced with Fimbria's army in Asia, Lucullus' fleet off the coast, and internal unrest, Mithridates eventually met with Sulla at Dardanus in autumn 85BC and accepted the terms negotiated by Archelaus. The type of source you look for will depend on the stage you are at in the writing process. [25], The Jugurthine War had started in 112BC when Jugurtha, grandson of Massinissa of Numidia, claimed the entire kingdom of Numidia in defiance of Roman decrees that divided it among several members of the royal family. The Battle of Chaeronea was fought in early summer around the same time the Athenian acropolis was taken. [105] Sulla moved to intercept Flaccus' army in Thessaly, but turned around when Pontic forces reoccupied Boetia. In the sciences and social sciences, primary sources or 'primary research' are original research experiments, studies, or . [99], Discovering a weak point in the walls and popular discontent with the Athenian tyrant Aristion, Sulla stormed and captured Athens (except the Acropolis) on 1 March 86BC. While Sulla was moving in the south, Scipio fought Pompey in Picenum but was defeated when his troops again deserted. sulla primary sources His colleague was, 79 BC: Retires from political life, refusing the, 78 BC: Dies, perhaps of an intestinal ulcer, with funeral held in Rome, This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 11:05. Primary sources are first-hand accounts of events. [54] Various proposals to give the allies Roman citizenship over the decades had failed for various reasons, just as the allies also "became progressively more aware of the need to cease to be subjects and to share in the exercise of imperial power" by acquiring that citizenship. [81.3] Magnesia, the only city in Asia that remained loyal, was defended against Mithridates with the greatest courage. This brief guide is designed to help students and researchers find and evaluate primary sources available online. From Book 81 [81.1] [87 BCE] Lucius Sulla besieged Athens, which had been occupied by Archelaus, an officer of Mithridates; [81.2] [86] after much labor he took the city .. note he gave it back the freedom it used to have. The bubonic plague was the most commonly seen form during the Black Death, with a mortality rate of 30-75% and symptoms including fever of 38 - 41 C (101-105 F), headaches, painful aching joints, nausea and vomiting, and a general feeling of malaise. 82 BC. Sulla then increased the number of magistrates elected in any given year, and required that all newly elected quaestores gain automatic membership in the Senate. The United States entered World War I on April 6, 1917, when the U.S. Congress agreed to a declaration of war. Sulla was born in a very turbulent era of Rome's history, which has often been described as the beginning of the fall of the Roman Republic.The political climate was marked by civil discord and rampant political violence where voting in the Assembly was . 134/4 C.Marius spends his early life in the countryside near Arpinum. Lucius Cornelius Sulla | After one of the other legates was killed by his men, Sulla refused to discipline them except by issuing a proclamation imploring them to show more courage against the enemy. [32] After the Senate approved negotiations with Bocchus, it delegated the talks to Marius, who appointed Sulla as envoy plenipotentiary. [117] Sulla attempted to open negotiations with Norbanus, who was at Capua, but Norbanus refused to treat and withdrew to Praeneste as Sulla advanced. [60], The next year, 89BC, Sulla served as legate under the consul Lucius Porcius Cato. Mithridates was to give Asia and Paphlagonia back to Rome. And for his consular colleague, he attempted to transfer to him the command of Gnaeus Pompeius Strabo's army. "[156], He was said to have a duality between being charming, easily approachable, and able to joke and cavort with the most simple of people, while also assuming a stern demeanor when he was leading armies and as dictator. He left one of his allies, Quintus Lucretius Afella to maintain the siege at Praeneste and moved for Rome. He used his powers to purge his opponents, and reform Roman constitutional laws, to restore the primacy of the Senate and limit the power of the tribunes of the plebs. Plutarch of Chaeronea in Boeotia (ca. The Senate moved the senatus consultum ultimum against him and was successful in levying large amount of men and materiel from the Italians. [104] When the Pontic cavalry attacked to interrupt the earthworks, the Romans almost broke; Sulla personally rallied his men on foot and stabilised the area. Some of these historians lived at the time of the events, and therefore, may actually be primary sources, but others, especially Plutarch (CE 45-125), who covers men from multiple eras, lived later than the events they describe. Of those who contracted the bubonic plague, 4 out of 5 died within eight days. Sulla raised important cavalry forces for Marius and was responsible for the . Wikipedia entry. Sulla had officially been declared an outlaw and in the eyes of the Cinnan regime, Flaccus was to take command of an army without a legal commander. Eyeglasses from Colonial America would be a primary source about Early American History. By the end of the war, the SSA had conscripted over 2.8 million American men. Marius - in ancient sources @ [86] He then left Italy with his troops without delay, ignoring legal summons and taking over command from a legate in Macedonia. Primary Source Terms:. Primary source is a term used in a number of disciplines to describe source material that is closest to the person, information, period, or idea being studied. Updated on October 07, 2019. Sulla had his enemies declared hostes, probably from outside the pomerium, and after assembling an assembly where he apologised for the ongoing war, left to fight Carbo in Etruria. This also removed the need for the censor to draw up a list of senators, since more than enough former magistrates were always available to fill the Senate. [33] Winning Bocchus' friendship and making plain Rome's demands for Jugurtha's deliverance, Sulla successfully concluded negotiations and secured Bocchus' capture of Jugurtha and the king's rendition to Marius' camp. Primary sources can include: Texts of laws and other original documents. [114], The general feeling in Italy, however, was decidedly anti-Sullan; many people feared Sulla's wrath and still held memories of his extremely unpopular occupation of Rome during his consulship. Ancient accounts of Sulla's death indicate that he died from liver failure or a ruptured gastric ulcer (symptomized by a sudden hemorrhage from his mouth, followed by a fever from which he never recovered), possibly caused by chronic alcohol abuse. Social: Facebook Page YouTube Page Instagram Page. Tools for primary source analysis. His troops prepared the ground by starting to dig a series of three trenches, which successfully contained Pontic cavalry. As a result, "husbands were butchered in the arms of their wives, sons in the arms of their mothers. Sulla, hearing this, feigned an attack while instructing his men to fraternise with Scipio's army. [6] He also disbanded his legions and, through these gestures, attempted to show the re-establishment of normal consular government. From this distance, Sulla remained out of the day-to-day political activities in Rome, intervening only a few times when his policies were involved (e.g. Mithridates also would equip Sulla with seventy or eighty ships and pay a war indemnity of two or three thousand talents. They had, however, fallen on hard times. [52] He may have stayed in the east until 92BC, when he returned to Rome. To this end, he reaffirmed the requirement that any individual wait for 10 years before being re-elected to any office. Studying the past supports good citizenship, which is requisite for a fair and effective democracy. The proceeds from auctioned property more than made up for the cost of rewarding those who killed the proscribed, filling the treasury. The collection currently contains . Pompey, the son of Pompey Strabo, raised a legion from his clients in Picenum and also joined Sulla; Sulla treated him with great respect and addressed him as imperator before dispatching him to raise more troops. Normally, candidates had to have first served for ten years in the military, but by Sulla's time, this had been superseded by an age requirement. These two reforms were enacted primarily to allow Sulla to increase the size of the Senate from 300 to 600 senators. [69], Sulla started his consulship by passing two laws. [92] In the summer of 88, he reorganised the administration of the area before unsuccessfully besieging Rhodes. . [30] Sulla was popular with the men, charming and benign, he built up a healthy rapport while also winning popularity with other officers, including Marius. Sulla was closely associated with Venus,[9] adopting the title Epaphroditos meaning favored of Aphrodite/Venus.[10]. 133/18 Scipio praises C.Marius. (5) Horace, Epode (c. 35 BC) He had one child from this union, before his first wife's death. "[147] Plutarch claims he had seen Sulla's personal motto carved on his tomb on the Campus Martius. After another attempt to relieve Praeneste failed, Carbo lost his nerve and attempted to retreat to Africa; his lieutenants attempted again to relieve Praeneste but after that again failed, marched on Rome to force Sulla from his well-defended positions. . This, along with the increase in the number of courts, further added to the power that was already held by the senators. Scipio's army blamed him for the breakdown in negotiations and made it clear to the consul that they would not fight Sulla, who at this point appeared the peacemaker.