ephesians 1:18 the message

GOD'S INHERITANCE IN THE SAINTS. Because he wants the field? I knew his hand was bigger than mine." Our society has been enamored with the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment, especially since the influx of Eastern thought into the West during the 1960s. To which is added another, and that is redemption; the author of which is Christ; the price, or procuring and meritorious cause of it is his blood; a branch of which is forgiveness of sins; and the whole is according to the plenteous and free grace of God, Eph 1:7, the entire plan and scheme of which is the produce of abundant wisdom and prudence, Eph 1:8, and is no other than the mystery of the will of God revealed in the Gospel, according to his sovereign will and purpose, Eph 1:9, which lay hid within himself until the fulness of times, or the Gospel dispensation, in which Christ being sent, has gathered all together in himself, Eph 1:10, through whom the saints enjoy the inheritance they are adopted to in predestination, which is the effect of an unfrustrable purpose, and a wise counsel and will, Eph 1:11. It is available. QUESTION -What does it mean to be called by God? 1 Thessalonians 5:8 But since we are of the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet, the hope of salvation. What an objective in prayer! There stood that awful obstacleand it is still the great obstacle that stands between all men and Goddeath in sin and nothing but the power of God could deal with such a situation. And everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is pure. So pray for others and for yourself, that God will enlighten the eyes of your heart through His Word so that you will know what is the hope of His calling. The boy responded, "I wasn't shy. In the NT klesis is used metaphorically of an invitation to enter the kingdom of God by grace through faith. 13-14) writes, When she was young, Victoria was shielded from the fact that she would be the next ruling monarch of England lest this knowledge spoil her. Kardia in Ephesians - Eph. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope (living because of the resurrection of Christ Who ultimately is our "Hope" as Paul states in 1Timothy 1:1 "Christ Jesus, our hope") through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. Gods specific call to service usually begins with a burden for a particular need that relates to the kingdom of God. And so inspired by the Spirit, Paul emphasizes that God has even more blessings to bestow on His children, the blessing of "resurrection power" so that saved sinners so that we might be enabled to live a supernatural life! Fourth is ischus (might), which carries the idea of endowed power or ability. F B Meyer writes about THE SAINTS' INHERITANCE IN GOD (Ephesians 1:14, Ephesians 5:5). That burden was placed there by the Lord as part of His calling. Colossians 1:5; 23 because of the hope laid up for you in heaven, of which you previously heard in the word of truth, the gospel (1:23) if indeed you continue in the faith firmly established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that you have heard, which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, was made a minister. Paul would have us appreciate our dignity. Notice in this one letter Paul prays twice for the saints to experience dunamis which He associates with the indwelling Holy Spirit. The unaccustomed soil is brought beneath the yoke of the plough. When you begin to understand what is the hope of His calling in your life, the assurance and certainty associated with that calling and when you begin to realize that now we only have the earnest of that calling, but that one day well have the full payment, then whatever comes your way you can stand fast on the truth of what God has accomplished for you in Christ in the past, present and future. In the four Gospels, we see Gods power at work in the ministry of Jesus Christ, but in the Book of Acts, we see that same power at work in ordinary men and women, members of the body of Christ. But if we want our church to truly be the church, the things Paul prayed for here are vastly more important. From a primary elpo; expectation or confidence. From the base of pletho; wealth, i.e. Proud member The uses of eido will not be listed because of the large number (656 hits in 619 verses searching on Strong's Number in the NT - if you want to see these usesCLICK HERE and go down to the "Frequency Lists" and you can study the uses in different translations book by book). Daniel Hope, expectation, trust, confidence. From a shorter form of kaleo; an invitation. The text is clear! The good news is that God's Word does promise riches to the believer. He wishes them to have eternal life in Christ [John 20:31] and to know that they have it.". Camp out here in a letter that begins with "every spiritual blessing in the heavenly in Christ." Romans They became thine in the Council chamber of eternity, when the Father gave Himself to thee in Jesus. Many believers were more interested in doing what felt right than in doing what God declared to be right.Instead of their emotions being controlled by Gods truth, their emotions distorted their understanding of His truth. Scripture speaks of two kinds of callings: the gospel or general call, and the effectual or specific call. Amen. But I do more than thank. Lamentations There is a superabundance of machinery; what is wanting is power. Bible Gateway passage: Ephesians 1:18-23 - The Message Living in the light of Your goodness Can you conceive this? (Drawing Near: Daily Readings for a Deeper Faith), Charles Stanley -LIFTING OUR LEVEL OF PRAYER, SCRIPTURE READING: EPHESIANS 1:1823 KEY VERSE: EPHESIANS 1:18. the thoughts or feelings; also the middle. Salvation is not a joint project, where we teamed up with God to bring it about. 4.4 [on Deut. MacArthur makes an interesting assessment commenting that "One cause of immaturity in the church at Corinth was reliance on feelings above knowledge. We are saved by grace, through faith (Eph. Still, with the stillness of death. If youre not happy at this moment, neither will you be with a change of location, salary, or ministry. Year after year the process is repeated, until, perhaps when twenty years have come and gone, the fences are needed no longer, because the extent of occupation is commensurate with the extent of the original purchase. 3:7; Eph. Yes, it is an inheritance. (THE MEASURE OF IMMEASURABLE POWER). The hope of His calling is to see Him and be one with Him. 1:19, p. 214): Pauls object, therefore, was not only to impress the Ephesians with a deep sense of the value of Divine grace, but also to give them exalted views of the glory of Christs kingdom. The idea is to cause something to be fully known by revealing clearly and in some detail. THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Languagecopyright 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson. We want to get out of the trial, solve the problem, move on. I finally see what youre telling me, Lord!" He sealed us with the Holy Spirit so that we might be kept until the day of redemption, absolutely, totally, eternally secure in our salvation. We so selfishly begin in our thinking with ourselves. Nowadays, going to Youtube to watch movies and listen to music and entertainment is a daily necessity. Why is there such a power shortage among professing Christians today? Or the funds to go on the radio. His power provides the way of escape from every temptation that we face (1 Cor. 119:18) or other spiritual realities (2 Kings 6:17). (The Reciprocal Inheritance). KJV The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints. 11:36; Jn. To each the conception of looking onward is attached; to the "calling" "hope," to the "inheritance" "glory," to the "power" the exaltation of Christ (and of us with Him; see Ephesians 2:6) to the right hand of God. The next time we feel weak, we need to recall this passage to our mind (a present imperative command in Php 4:8-note), not in the sense of "mind over matter" but in the sense that this is what is true about us, a truth that we need to walk in by faith (2Cor 5:7, Col 2:6), even (especially) during those times we feel weak (cp 2Cor 12:9-10-note) or inadequate (2Cor 3:5-6-note, 1Cor 15:10-note). These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might. This sense comes out clearly in the New Testament in the use of the word and of its cognates. In Ephesians 1, the apostle Paul let his "students" know that he prayed for them constantly. It can be used of the power of growth, of the powers of nature, of the power of a drug, of the power of a mans genius. Reprinted by permission. (1Jn 5:13+), Comment: A T Robertson writes that eidomeans "to know with settled intuitive knowledge. Then ask God to restore to you the joy of your salvation. 4:10; 8:10; Esther 4:17; 10:2; Job 4:2; 5:5; 6:11f, 22, 25; 9:19; 12:16; 16:5; 23:6; 26:2, 12; 30:2, 18; 31:24, 39; 36:5, 19, 22; 37:23; 39:11, 21; 40:16; Ps. It is God who is at work in you, Paul assures us, both to will and to work for His good pleasure (Phil. Ischus is that strength which one has in possession or ability. Again, Paul piles up words to describe Gods power. But not content with this, in the following year he pushes his fences back further into the depth of prairie or forest, and again renews his efforts to compel the land to yield him her secret stores. Sign up now for the latest news and deals from Bible Gateway! This is a wonderful truth. 1 Samuel Read the Bible, discover plans, and seek God every day. That which is dynamic is characterized by energy or forces that produce motion, as opposed to that which is static. us with every (how many?) Faith and Riches - Do you want to be rich? There is nothing too difficult for him. Yes, there are dark spiritual powers at work behind the problems Paul discusses in Ephesiansanger, stealing, bitterness, slander, sexual immorality, greed, deception, and so on. Our faith must grow. properly transcendent and immeasurable, and passes thought and desire and knowledge. Referring to himself as a believer, Paul wrote: "I am [have been] crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me" (Gal. Hope (1680) (elpis) (See also study on Believer's Blessed Hope) expresses a desire of some good with the expectation of obtaining it. Hes the Father of our Master, Jesus Christ, and takes us to the high places of blessing in him. The power which is really at work in Christian men to-day is in its nature properly transcendent and immeasurable, and passes thought and desire and knowledge. This deep, interior "cardiac" enlightenment is clearly the result of the work of the Holy Spirit Who leads the believer to know (eido) intuitively all that God has made available to him in Christ (cf Jesus' promise to the disciples - Jn 16:13, cp 1Jn 2:20, 28+, 1Cor 2:10-13, 15-16+), and in essence to come to understand what it means to be "in Christ" or "in Him". THAT THE EYES OF YOUR UNDERSTANDING BEING ENLIGHTENED. 15:56). That they might not be cast down by a view of their own unworthiness, he exhorts them to consider the power of God; as if he had said, that their regeneration was no ordinary work of God, but was an astonishing exhibition of his power. The present glories of the ascended Christ are glories possessed by a Man, and, that being so, they are available as evidences and measures of the power which works in believing souls. In all those ways the Holy Spirit empowers Gods children. The context for this passage is important. In our struggle with everything that sets itself against the knowledge of God, we have some incredible resources. She loves small children, and what she learns pricks her heart as nothing else has. What are the practical applications of this truth? Here is the inexhaustible strength of God in taking His crucified Son who was dead and buried, and raising Him from among the dead to His present majestic position in heaven. In addition to a holy calling, saints also have a high ("upward") calling (Php 3:14+) and a heavenly calling (Heb 3:1+). So here he takes view #2, but in the following note below he takes view #1! -- when His heart shall be fully satisfied in His inheritance, for His glory shall be perfectly manifested in the saints. And may I know the riches of my glorious inheritance that is awaiting me and all who trust in Jesus as Saviour. In this context dunamis refers to inherent power, found in and dispensed by God (cf Ro 1:16+= "the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation"). (Twenty-First Century Biblical Commentary), MacDonald - We have seen that the source of spiritual illumination is God; the channel is the Holy Spirit; and the supreme subject is the full knowledge of God. The NTs concept of hope is built on the OT and has the elements of expectation, a trust in God, and the patient waiting for Gods outworking of his plan. . 11:22]). First, he raised Christ from the dead (v.20). It is used in doxologies to extol the power or dominion of God (1 Pet 5:11; Jude 25; Rev 5:13) and of Christ (1 Tim 6:16; 1 Pet 4:11; Rev 1:6; 5:13), which has victory over all contrary powers. The discoveries youll make, the understanding you will glean, the gifts of praise, the expression of even frustrated prayer will affect you for the next zillion years. Riches (4149) (ploutos) refers to the abundance of earthly goods, but here refers to spiritual abundance. Reportedly, Crowfoot put the pass in a leather pouch and wore it around his neck for the rest of his lifebut he never once availed himself of the rights and privileges it spelled out. 119:18; John 3:3), hear (Mt. NET since the eyes of your heart have been enlightened so that you may know what is the hope of his calling, what is the wealth of his glorious inheritance in the saints. Those for whom Paul is praying were once "spiritually blind" darkened in their understanding, (Eph 4:18) walking around in "spiritual darkness" as he reminded them of later writing that "you were formerly darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light (Eph 5:8-note). 1:16). Salem Media Group. 31:5; Ezek. For less than $5/mo. Knowing that, we should live as His special people. Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field: Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof. Amazing grace! Peter expresses the same thought in 1 Peter 1:5, where he says you are protected by the power of God through faith in Christ. I cannot understand how this can be, but I know that God has an inheritance even in me. But, since there are many who dispute it, allow me just to stir up your minds by way of remembrance, by mentioning certain facts which will lead you to see clearly that verily God does choose our lot, and apportion for us our inheritance. In other words, we are Gods possession, purchased by the blood of Christ. He returned home and wrote his wife, who was away: There has come a complete change into my life. As we develop sensitivity to His voice, we move forward with what we know. God is the Master Engineer, He allows the difficulties to come in order to see if you can vault over them properlyBy my God have I leaped over a wall. God will never shield you from any of the requirements of a son or daughter of His. Even true believers greatly want heavenly wisdom. Jesus healed by the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:38); cast out demons by the power of the Holy Spirit (Mt 12:28); was resurrected from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit (Ro 8:11+); and was seated at God's right hand in the heavenly places through the power of the Holy Spirit (Eph 1:19, 20+). 8:32) assures you that He wont withhold lesser things, and consequently youll not tend to worry about earthly needs. From phos; to shed rays, i.e. For fifteen years the Romans defended their homeland against the brilliant Carthaginianand could never drive him out. 31:3; Ezek. 4:7). Paul describes unbelievers as (Eph. The Message Compact Bible--soft leather-look, black, The Message//REMIX 2.0, Purple Swirl - Imperfectly Imprinted Bibles, The Message Deluxe Gift Bible--soft leather-look, amethyst gem, The Message of Hope: Discover Meaning and Purpose for Your Life - eBook. Eph 3:16+is another "powerful" (power full - also using dunamis) passage indicating that the Holly Spirit is the Source of this incredible supernatural power (cf Lk 4:14+ = Jesus' pattern for our lives today [1Co 11:1+]!, Acts 1:8+, Ro 15:19+, 1Co 2:4+, 1Th 1:5, Micah 3:8)! In other words, this is not just an intellectual ability to understand or teach these truths. 1112)? Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. Even the best Christians need to be prayed for: and while we hear of the welfare of Christian friends, we should pray for them. The Message (MSG). The little boy just stood there and made no move for the candy. But then we cant figure out why this stupid product doesnt work right! And he did so with great expectations. These refer to various kinds of ability ranging from physical/ mental expenditure (Genesis 31:6), sexual potency (Genesis 49:3), or Gods power (Exodus 9:16; 15:6). In them we see the possibilities of humanity, the ideal for man which God had when He created and breathed His blessing .upon him. His call now is to all those redeemed by the blood of Jesus to showcase to our world Gods mercy, grace, and salvation (Hebrews 12:14;Matthew 5:16). CD players dont have needles, he said, laughing. I was just waiting on him. Knowing of Jonahs disobedience beforehand, God had already prepared a great fish to swallow him and spit him out when he was humbled enough to repent (Jonah 1:172:1). Because My coming is near, and your heavenly account is pretty small, Im giving you an opportunity to make some huge investments in the few days that remain before you go to heaven., You for whom this day has seemed as a thousand yearsrejoice. 6:9; 7:9; 8:7; Joel 2:22; Amos 2:14; 3:11; 5:9; 6:13; Mic. The riches of His glory refers to the abundant, preeminent glory of God as displayed in His saints. Note that all three clauses (hope, inheritance, power) are linked to the verb "will know". (Ibid), Life Application Study Bible- The world still marvels at the power of the atom, yet we belong to the God Who created atoms and the entire universe. When this heaven and earth shall have passed away and a new heaven and earth shall have come, God's child, the redeemed sinner made a saint in Christ, shall abide forever. free! New International Dictionary of NT Theology. He bought the world to get the treasure. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened- Physical eyes (or ears) cannot see (hear) these deeper truths. We are called by God to salvation. Ephesians 1:1920is discussing Pauls earnest desire for the Ephesians to attain knowledge regarding the power of God toward the believer. Hoehner on kratos -In the NT it is used twelve times, four times by Paul, twice in Ephesians (1:19; 6:10) and it always has reference to supernatural power: once of the devil (Heb 2:14), and the other eleven times of God. Adobe Premiere Pro 2023 Free Download - getintopc.com Jdg. 2 John Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel (1 Corinthians 9:16). Lord, help me to influence prayer time at my church so that it is a healthy representation of the full Christian life, from supplication to praise. 10:10): a strong consolation (Heb6:18): a mighty angel (Rev18:21). Ephesians 1:18 - MSG - your eyes focused and clear, And not just barely free, either. Observe, Those who have their eyes opened, and have some understanding in the things of God, have need to be more and more enlightened, and to . Some commentators see His inheritance as a reference to believers, who are Gods inheritance or special possession (Eph 1:14). I askask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of gloryto make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is he is calling you to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life he has for his followers, oh, the utter extravagance of his work in us who trust himendless energy, boundless strength! Thats why there is rape and famine, pollution, corruption, and death on our planet. I go to prepare a place for you (John 14:12). John MacArthur - RECEIVING SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened (Eph. This is the same mighty power (NLT - Tyndale House), Phillips: and how tremendous is the power available to us who believe in God. The key to overcoming a troubled, perplexed, stressed heart is to focus on the hope of His calling, on whats ahead, on heaven. God's incomparably great power helps us grow, change, love others. We have been called, chosen, justified, and glorified for we are saved by grace through faith in Christ and are become his chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. He implants Biblical truth into your thinking so that your responses become more and more like Christs. Sublimal Messages Don't Work - Americans spend $50 million a year on subliminal message tapes designed to help them do everything from improve their self-image to stop smoking. The proper exercise of this power requires continuous faith in Christ, just as we believed in Him at conversion. In following the call of God, we must be sure to obey His instructions in Scripture. They dont know the reality of heaven. There must be no reserve put on any part of our being. Dunamis is, however, mostly power in action, as in the frequent use of dunamis for miracles, mighty works, they being exhibitions of divine virtue. From optanomai; the eye; by implication, vision; figuratively, envy. Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Jul 18, 2019 (message contributor) . Thats why he prayed for our enlightenment (Eph 1:18). Even the ancients considered the heart to be the very center of a person -- the center of knowledge, understanding, thinking, wisdom. With that thought in mind a more accurate rendering is that of Wuest who has "the eyes of your heart being in an enlightened state with a view to your knowing what is the hope of His calling." 4:6; 14:14, Gilbrant on ischus in classical Greek and the Septuagint -Classical Greek - Ischus is common in the most ancient Greek writings, but gradually it diminished in usage (see Moulton-Milligan for the few citations). It refers to a degree which exceeds extraordinary and thus excels. Romans 8:24-25 For in hope we have been saved, but hope that is seen is not hope; for who hopes for what he already sees? Here is how this applies: As a believer, you are always in need of the Holy Spirit to enlighten the eyes of your heart to the great truths of the Bible. James Jon Courson- That ye may know what is the hope of his calling Ephesians 1:18. New International Dictionary of NT Theology. 22:14). It is interesting to note that photizo (enlightened) was used by the pagan Mystery religions as a technical term for the rite of initiation into their inner secrets! One day our Lord will come again, and we shall all be changed to see Him as He is and to be like Him. Philippians 3:14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.